The name’s victoria, torrie, toria, vicksnoria, snicky, vicky, flossie, my prefered name is Vikki, as you can tell my my Twitter (@mebevikki) I’m 18, good to get on with, overly immature, and always up for a chat!!
I enjoy studying body language…it freaks people out cause i know what they are thinking by the way they move moo hahahaha!! 
Singing is fun…Dancing is my life...I love to play my music...a pen and paper can change the world
I plan on reaching fame someday, i love to sing and dance like i said, i also write and have been working on a trilogy for a while now!! i plan on getting them pulished someday hopefully!!
then again if i don't reach fame i can always become a councilling psychologist!
I have a few 'intresting beleifs'
Magic is the result of everything cos i’m just cool like that!! 
and im not smart because i know long words, i know long words because i’m smart…and i spend alot of time with my nose in a dictionary!
i also practically worship foamy the squirrel!!

well that's all you gotta know
Vikki xx